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Watertown Dog Park Proposal

Dog Parks Supported by Council President & District B Councilor

In a letter to the editor of the Watertown Patch, town councilor Cecilia Lenk wrote:

In an effort to prepare for the upcoming meeting on dog park options, we are recommending and supporting the creation of at least two dog parks in Watertown.

Read More>> at The Watertown Patch

Public Hearing about Off-Leash Dog Park

The first public hearing about off-leash dog park will be held by the Council Subcommittee on Public Works, Tuesday Feb 4 at 7pm., in the Town Hall

Subcommittee Councilors are Cecilia Lenk, Chair, Steve Corbett, and Tony Palomba. If you cannot attend, please contact them via phone or email.

Why Watertown Should Create Fillipello Dog Park

Sustainable Watertown Supports Dog Park at Fillipello by Barbara Ruskin

From Conservation Commission hearing on October 3, 2012

The Dog Park Task Force, a part of Sustainable Watertown, is working to support the creation of an off-leash dog park here. It would be a fine example of a sustainable addition to the vitality, character, and quality of life in Watertown.

Off-leash dog parks have been very successful in surrounding towns and across the nation. The responsible departments in Cambridge and Arlington have given us encouragement and a lot of information and feel that their dog parks have been a great addition. Dog officers believe that dog parks make their jobs easier.

There are all kinds of dog parks, from a simple circle 30' in diameter with a fence and a gate. There are giant ones as well--the Disney of dog parks is said to be in Somerville. Some have benches with cover for owners. One has a time-out space for naughty dogs. The best have a water spigot, doggie bags, posted rules, and a trash can. They can be grassy, or pea stone which seems to be the long term surface of choice with, or without trees for shade.


Dog Park Task Force Report

Changes in recreation use will be made at Filipello Park because the recycling center (temporarily on a basketball court there) is moving. This is the great opportunity for us to recommend now that Watertown's first Off-Leash Dog Park be designated by the Town for the unused, large, grassy, fenced in area on Grove Street at the entrance to Filipello Park.

Please email the Director of the Department of Recreation, Peter Centola (, the Town Manager, Michael Driscoll (, and Town Council members ( stating your choice of the Grove Street area of Filipello Park for the Dog Park. Don't forget your address. You may name your own Council member, but please ask that copies of your note be sent to all Councilors. Let us know if you get any replies at
Stay tuned for the next Dog Park Task Force meeting where we will talk and strategize about upcoming events. More information about the Dog Park Task Force will be posted on the website in the next week.

Watertown Dog Park Task Force Meeting

Is Your Dog Begging For A Place To Run Free in Watertown?  The Watertown Dog Park Task Force is working hard to create official designated spaces for dogs to run and play off leash in Watertown!  

The task force needs your help and support.  If this initiative interests you, please attend their upcoming meeting:
Where:  Watertown Free Public Library in the  Watertown Savings Bank East Room
When:  Wednesday, June 13, 2012, 6:30pm-8:30pm

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