Sustainable Watertown is a grassroots organization committed to enhancing the quality of life for all who live and work in Watertown. We work to
protect green spaces, support local independent businesses, connect neighborhoods, and promote a vibrant and healthy community.
We are a new community group dedicated to a sustainable model of community interaction and development. We envision Watertown as a vibrant, creative, interactive, sustainable, walkable, and human-scaled place to live and work..
We are determined to gain early and effective participation in the planning and development process in Watertown.
We will encourage residents all over town to form neighborhood watchdog groups and to come together as a community.
We will support small independent businesses coming together to form Watertown Local First, and help them gain a voice in planning and development in town.
We will a create "Shop Local" effort to promote our local independent businesses.
We are an umbrella organization pledged to work with other Watertown based groups toward a sustainable future for Watertown.
Our current initiaves are:
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