Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

How Cheap is Cheap

An argument we frequently hear in support of Walmart is how it will bring low cost goods to Watertwon shoppers.  We've always countered that we already have Target, as well as numerous places to buy groceries that offer prices that are competitive to Walmart's.  Well, now we have proof

Watertown residents Mark Kraczkiewicz, Lois Mastrangelo, Maryann Merigan, Alison Bengel Sisk, and Amy Vachon conducted their own comparison shopping trips.  They visited Walmart stores in Framingham, MA and Salem, NH, as well as local Target, BJs, Trader Joe’s and Stop & Shop stores.  Their conclusions?  While Walmart may have some items available at a few cents less than other local stores, they are by no means the price leader on many items.  For instance, the group found that Stop & Shop had better prices on laundry detergent and paper towels, while Trader Joes and BJ's had better prices on ground beef.

Read the summary of their findings in a letter to The Watertown Tab >>

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