Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

Say No to Walmart

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Watertown Tab: Walmart proposal for Watertown coming soon

A few months after Walmart signed a 20-year lease to occupy a 7.8-acre space on Arsenal Street, company representatives and developers say they are planning to present an official proposal for a 90,000-square-foot grocery/retail store to the town this fall. Read more

Watertown Tab: Plan approved, but Watertown residents still wary of Walmart

The town’s business makeup will favor smaller stores, according to a just-approved development plan, but residents are concerned the door is still open for big-box companies like Wal-Mart. Read more

Watertown Tab: Watertown residents: Keep Walmart out

A recent article in the Watertown Tab, "Watertown residents: Keep Walmart out," covered the The Town Council’s subcommittee on economic development meeting that took place on July 13th.

NY Observer: Report Says Wal-Mart Would Hurt NYC’s Economy

The city’s public advocate released a report today for a Wal-Mart in Manhattan, predicting that the number of jobs lost as a result will outweigh those gained by opening the superstore. Read more...


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