A few months after Walmart signed a 20-year lease to occupy a 7.8-acre space on Arsenal Street, company representatives and developers say they are planning to present an official proposal for a 90,000-square-foot grocery/retail store to the town this fall. Read more
The town’s business makeup will favor smaller stores, according to a just-approved development plan, but residents are concerned the door is still open for big-box companies like Wal-Mart. Read more
A recent article in the Watertown Tab, "Watertown residents: Keep Walmart out," covered the The Town Council’s subcommittee on economic development meeting that took place on July 13th.
There's more to shopping than low prices.
See full article from DailyFinance: www.dailyfinance.com/2011/08/16/why-wal-mart-will-never-be-great-again/
The city’s public advocate released a report today for a Wal-Mart in Manhattan, predicting that the number of jobs lost as a result will outweigh those gained by opening the superstore. Read more...
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