Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

A Letter from Local Business Owner, Barry Steinberg

I own Direct Tire and Auto Service and have been a Watertown business since 1974. I am involved with the folks at Sustainable Watertown and I am very concerned with the potential of a Walmart coming to Watertown on Arsenal Street. I have a number of issues.

The traffic issue in Watertown, both at the Square and the roads leading to the Square, is already close to an unbearable situation. Over the years I have had countless clients mention the traffic as a deterrent to coming back to my store. Many of them have chosen either to go to one of my other locations or not come back at all.

I look at a Walmart like a casino. They attract many people who go there, do no other business in that town, disrupt the traffic, put additional burdens on the police and fire departments and eventually cause many other businesses to go out of business.

They are a "Main Street killer" in many cities and towns across the country and they can do it to us.

Watertown is a great town to not only to do business in but the residents love this town. It's peaceful, clean and a great place to bring up a family.

Let's not change that please.

Barry Steinberg
Owner, Direct Tire and Auto Service, 126 Galen Street

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