Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.


Congratulations to everyone who helped make it clear that Walmart was not welcome in Watertown: those who collected signatures on petitions; those who researched and wrote letters to the editors and sent comments to the press; those who helped spread the No Walmart vibe by running for office and by designing and fundraising to make the billboard a reality; those who contributed to the billboard; local, independent businesses that put No Walmart signs in their windows; citizens who displayed the signs on their lawns and fences; those who showed up for standouts; and the religious and civic leaders who supported the No Walmart campaign.  Community-wide commitment and dedication made it clear that Walmart will not be coming to Watertown!

Now.... let's celebrate!  A “party” is in the planning phase, so watch our Update emails for the official announcement.  As soon as we have a date we'll let you know so you can put it in your calendar.  You won't want to miss what will be a very special community event.
If you are willing to part with your No Walmart signs and want to see them reused, please allow us to collect and repurpose them.  You can write to to have your sign picked up from your lawn (include your address please), or you can hang onto your sign and bring it to the party for collection. Just please don't throw them in the recycling bin without first considering that we can reuse them.
Sustainable Watertown will be embarking on other neighborhood and town-wide initiatives, such as planning and development and creating an off-leash dog park.  Meantime, summer is officially upon us.  How wonderful that we can look forward to a Walmart-free Watertown, and a summertime party to celebrate that fact!

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