Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

Watertown Together

Baby Boomers across the US are making decisions about how and where they want to live the next stage of their lives. Rather than moving to retirement communities or to another part of the country to be close to their children, most want to stay in their homes and be active in their communities. People in many communities across the country are joining together to create local non-profit organizations called "Villages" that provide the service and support systems to make this happen.

A group of Watertown residents have gotten together to develop a "Village" in Watertown. The goal is to create an organization that would help Watertown residents support one another in getting help when they need it, share their skills and interests, and promote community.

To learn about WatertownTogether and the Village movement, visit

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