Watertown Public Transit Task Force (WPTTF) announced its Mission, Vision, and Goals to guide its advocacy for the betterment of public transit in Watertown, December 15, 2014. Task Force chair Joseph Levendusky said, "After making substantial progress in our first year of existence, this statement clarifies our vision of the future of transportation in Watertown and how we see our role as advocates. We look forward to continuing to give voice to the needs and concerns of the transit riding public." The Watertown Public Transit Task Force is an initiative of Sustainable Watertown.
A public meeting in February will include updates on the planning process for future transportation enhancements in the Arsenal Street Corridor and on efforts to expedite 71 and 73 buses through the Mount Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway intersection. The collaborative planning group of WPTTF will also demonstrate its new online Incident Reporting Questionnaire for bus service issues.
For information, please contact:
Joseph Levendusky
Watertown Task Force on Public Transit
An Initiative of Sustainable Watertown
Click the link below for the full text of the statement
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