Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

August 2013 Meetings and Events

Dear Sustainable Watertown,

Enclosed are some meetings and events to attend, but also some town-wide issues to think about that need your attention.

Wednesday, August 7, 7:30pm, Conservation Commission, Lower Hearing Room. Department of Conservation and Recreation will discuss the yearly operation plan. Owner of 270 Pleasant Street requests a dog run on its property. GSA site update.

Thursday, August 8, 7pm Building and Grounds Subcommittee, Conference Room, School Dept, 30 Common Street, Capital Improvement Plan update.

August 8, 7pm Historical Commission, Lower Hearing Room: Hear a discussion about the potential Bacon Street residential development and Main Street commercial development.

August 8 and 15, Watertown Summer Concerts, Saltonstall Park, 6:30-8.

August 14, 7pm, Watertown Planning Board, Council Chambers: Residential permits and variances, including permission request for awning with signage to remain at 55 Bigelow Street, at the new Kay's Market. Comprehensive Plan update. Please see below to participate in the Comprehensive Plan.

August 25, Chemical Free Garden Tour, 1-5. For information email Salman at

August 28, 7-8pm. 50th Anniversary Public Reading of I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King, Jr, Watertown Charles River Dock. Sponsored by Watertown Citizens and World in Watertown.

NOTIFY ME: You can sign up for Notices of Town Government meetings and events: Please go to the town website and select all the committees you'd like to hear from directly. It's pretty easy to do.

Mt Auburn Street Redo: Watertown residents will have a chance to voice their opinions on design options.

Potential New Developments in Watertown. The Planning Department has made public possible site plans for developments in Watertown that are being considered. No official applications have been made yet, but we appreciate the town's commitment to keeping residents informed.Please look at two possible developments that will need our attention in the near future, one at 45 Bacon Street: the other at 33 Mt Auburn Street: The page that gives all the town's projects with various entries for each address can be found at If you sign up for Notify Me, you will be kept apprised of meetings and also new issues in development in town. We know that we need thoughtful consideration of site use and planning. Here's your chance to be ready to participate.

In addition, please add your voice to the Comprehensive Plan. Check out the Envision Watertown 2013 MindMixer website. It is updated each month. You are asked to comment, post photos of Watertown and elsewhere and tell us what is important to you---it is one of the most active sites of its kind in the nation and allows you to send suggestions and comments. The Comprehensive Plan is scheduled for completion December 2013. Thanks to Planners Steve Magoon and Gideon Schreiber for this information. Links to project-related websites are:

Library Historical Collection: You may still want to write to your Library Trustees to show your support for maintaining the historical collection on site. It appears that there might be solutions to the stated problem of space: apparently, the storm water files required to be maintained are available on CD and the originals are allowed to be saved elsewhere. For the names of Library Trustees, see, the town website, for lists.

Your reward for reading this far: The Watertown Public Art Mural Project is fabulous! Congratulations to our muralist, Gregg Bernstein and his crew of Watertown High School interns. Take a look:

Let us know what you are thinking. Get ready to volunteer in September.
Have a great summer.
Sustainable Watertown

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