Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

October 2013 Update

Dear Sustainable Watertown,

Now that the Federal primary elections are over we hope that you are enjoying this beautiful weather and the colorful skies. There is lots to do and think about to fill your time in Watertown. Some major issues in the next few weeks and TONIGHT:

Tuesday, October 29: Protective of our Planet? Perplexed about Plastics? Puzzled about What To Do? Join us for the movie BAG IT and discussion, 7-9PM at the Watertown Public Library.

BAG IT is a delightful light-hearted, yet piercing examination of the problem of overuse of throwaway plastics, particularly single-use plastic bags. Do you know that every single plastic bag that was ever made, still exists? Some are turned into other plastic objects, like trash cans and reusable shopping bags. We see bags caught in tree branches and littering our roadsides. But the largest percentage are in landfills and in the oceans. Have you looked up Pacific Gyre? It is a floating island of plastic trash the size of Texas in the ocean!

Join us to see the discoveries and some solutions that Jeb Berrier finds in this entertaining and fact-filled movie. It will change your life.
Brought to you by the Recycling Committee, Sustainable Watertown, and the Watertown Citizens Environmental Task Force.
Join us for the movie. It is free and suitable for all ages.
For more information write to

Tuesday, November 5: VOTE. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. VOLUNTEER. Your elected officials will decide on important sustainability issues. They will vote on the planning process and zoning issues for years. VOTE YOUR VALUES. Ask questions of the candidates. Read up on their positions. Participate in your community.

Wednesday November 13: PLANNING BOARD decides on new housing developments, 7PM, Council Chambers, Town Hall. On the agenda is the 45 Bacon Street/80 Howard Street development which is near Pleasant Street. There may also be the 33 Mt Auburn Street development under consideration.
The Community Development and Planning Department and the Planning Board move fast. So far, extremely large developments have been accepted in a single hearing! The public has very little time to inform itself to be ready to participate. If you would like more information, please write to ASAP. And please check each of the links below.
Please take a look at the site plans that will be discussed: Bacon/Howard Streets:
The site that gives all the projects in town with a variety of documentation for each may be found at
••As a community, we have to be prepared to comment on the appropriateness and sustainability of new developments here and how they will contribute to the neighborhoods that surround them. Please read up and come to the hearing, or a neighborhood meeting ready to discuss.

The Community Development and Planning Dept has notified us of another potential project at 33 Mt Auburn Street. It may be on the agenda. Check it out: :

Sign up for Notify Me so that you get these announcements directly and help us keep on top of potential developments:

In addition, there are rumors of a large "mixed use" (housing plus businesses/commercial) at the site Cresset Group proposed for the Walmart. Will it connect our neighborhoods, or separate them?

If you would like more information, or have ideas to share, write to us at info@sustainablewatertown.orgimmediately.Understanding these developments takes time. Some neighborhoods are planning informational get togethers. Let us know if you want to attend.

Get involved!

A Happy Halloween and GO SOX,
Thanks for all you do--and will do!
Sustainable Watertown

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