Dear Neighborhood Network,
TONIGHT, July 8, 6:30PM, Library,
CCG, the Concerned Citizens Group, is sponsoring a COMMUNITY MEETING, Visioning Community Connections. There will be a film and discussion on how to create successful public spaces.
Visioning will focus on the Arsenal Street Corridor.
There will also be discussion about goals for the zoning petition for a temporary moratorium.
We hope that you can attend. The recent community meetings about Arsenal and Pleasant Streets have been most informative as have Planning Board and Zoning meetings. Our goals are the same for both areas—excellence in development for Watertown. We must prepare ourselves if we want our Public Comment to have meaning.
Wednesday, July 9, PLANNING BOARD, 7PM, Council Chambers. Agenda includes the proposed hotel site at Saab, replacing a Non- Conforming (auto repair) with another Non-Conforming use (auto dealership with accessory auto service) in Central Business District.
In addition, Inclusionary Zoning of Affordable Housing will increase requirements from 10% to 12.5%.
And meetings for the Comprehensive Plan will be discussed. Pleasant Street Corridor http://www.watertown- is Continued. I believe that it will not be discussed tonight, since the draft is getting further input, but cannot get confirmation. See the full agenda:
Thursday, July 10, GREENOUGH BOULEVARD REDESIGN, 6:30-8:30PM, Shady Hill School auditorium, 56 Coolidge Ave, Cambridge. The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) with funding from the Solomon Foundation will present up to date plans for the redesign of Greenough Boulevard roadway and bike/community path along the river. This is a great opportunity to learn and be heard on the details of what promises to be a fabulous improvement. The newest data on traffic calming and recreational use will be presented and your questions answered. I’m wondering if it would be possible to place the bike path next to the walking path instead of in the road with the cars. Seems too dangerous and not family friendly. If you have questions, concerns or comments:
Email:, entering “Greenough” in the subject line.
Write: Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Public Outreach, 251
Causeway Street, Suite 600, Boston, MA 02114
Comment period: March 6th to March 31st (this was on the original flyer)
Note: Public comments submitted to DCR by email or letter will be posted on the DCR website in their entirety, and
no content, including personal information, will be redacted.
Monday, July 14, Economic Development Subcommittee of the Council meeting with Planning Board for Review and Recommendation of Comprehensive Plan Draft, 7-9PM, Council Chambers, Public invited. This is the appropriate place for your comments on details of the Comprehensive Plan unless you submit them to the Planning Department and Council in advance. You may write to the Planning Board via July 21 is the only other date listed at this time to go through the entire document. Be there and participate. Steve Corbett, chair, Susan Falkoff, and Vinnie Piccirelli are the Councilors on the Ec Dev Subcommittee. The Comp Plan, as you know, will provide the vision which will guide implementation zoning changes and policies of the Planning Department and Planning and Zoning Boards. Your attendance at this meeting is important. The organization and topics of these meetings are as yet unpublicized.
Wednesday, July 16, Zoning Board of Appeals, 7PM, Council Chambers, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC HEARING at a SPECIAL MEETING ON 202-204 ARSENAL STREET, Special permit/site plan review. This is a continuation of the June 25 ZBA meeting. At that meeting a petition was presented requesting a temporary moratorium, long enough only that a master plan could be considered for the Arsenal Street Corridor. This property at 202 Arsenal Street is part of a 16 acre parcel. CCG and other members of neighborhood groups hope for a vision connecting the entire area to the surrounding communities and the Square at one end and the historic sites at the other. (See meeting tonight). Any and all comments should be submitted to the Planning Department and the ZBA via the Planning office ASAP. This ZBA decision is related to the Council decisions on the petition for a Moratorium July 22. Timing is all.
Monday, July 21, Economic Development and Planning Board review and recommendation of Comprehensive Plan, 7-9PM, Council Chambers. Second subcommittee meeting to go over the Draft Comp Plan to make corrections and additions. Very important. This is the vision for the town that will guide the Planning Department and our Boards in the future and the implementation of zoning regulations.
Tuesday, July 22, 6PM, Town Council special Meeting on Petition for a Temporary Moratorium on Arsenal Street. Council Chambers. The Town Council will discuss the Petition for a temporary Moratorium and may vote the petitioners' request up, or down. Let the Councilors know your thinking.
Wednesday, July 23, Joint Subcommittee on Rules, Economic Development, and Public Safety, 7-9PM to discuss additional liquor licenses. Third Floor Conference Room, Town Hall.
Wednesday, July 23, Zoning Board of Appeals, 7PM. Council Chambers. The agenda for this meeting is not posted yet, but the Special Meeting July 16 was scheduled to not interfere with regular business before the Board.
Other Notices:
Watertown community Gardens is hiring a part-time project coordinator for the Live Well Watertown program. This is an interesting position and opportunity to continue to make Watertown a great place. Application deadline is July 16.
Watertown Summer Concerts at Saltonstall Park. July 10 Pabon Salsa, 6:30-8PM. Dine al fresco and relax with friends and neighbors. Take your lawn chairs and blankets and picnics. Every Thursday through August 14. Rain venue at the Library.
Tri-City Trail gets $1.6 m upgrade in Watertown. Charles River Road improvements planned by DCR with help of Watertown organizations..
Thanks for all you do. Volunteers always welcome. Neighborhood meetings encouraged—we have maps.
Barbara Ruskin
Sustainable Watertown
Neighborhood Network facilitator
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