Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
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Oct 24th Meeting on Walmart

Save the Date!  Monday, October 24th at 7 p.m.
Watertown Free Public Library, 123 Main Street

Sustainable Watertown will be holding a forum to discuss the community response to a proposed Walmart store near the intersection of Arsenal and Irving Streets. The Forum will be held on Monday, October 24, at 7PM, at the Watertown Free Public Library. Join labor activists, town councilors and fellow Watertown residents as we discuss the potential impact of a new superstore on our community.

WALMART wants to open in Watertown.

What kind of a neighbor is WALMART?

  • Walmart’s low wages and prices undercut local businesses and put people out of work. Walmart is not a very FRIENDLY neighbor.
  • Walmart lowers wages for all retail jobs and shifts the costs of providing worker benefits onto local taxpayers. Walmart is not a very CARING neighbor.
  • Walmart has faced millions of dollars in law suits for poor labor practices. Walmart is not a very FAIR neighbor.
  • Walmart contributes to traffic problems and pollution. Walmart is not a very GREEN neighbor.

Do we really want WALMART in Watertown?


Watertown supports development that improves our quality of life.

Walmart is NOT right for Watertown.

Walmart’s low prices come at a high cost.


Go to this page for supporting facts about the October 24th meeting announcement and flyer.

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