Sustainable Watertown ceased operations in 2016.
This site remains up for historical reference, but is no longer maintained. Thanks for visiting.

Zoning Code References

Here are the pages of the Watertown Zoning Code that might be useful to you in writing to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) about the suitability of the proposal for the 14,000 sq ft CVS in Coolidge Square, and any other projects that come up by residential and small business neighborhoods.

The Zoning Purpose is Article 1.0:

Perhaps the most crucial is Section 9.05 of the Zoning Code. p. 89. Special Permit: Conditions for Approval. Does the project in question meet these conditions? A great basis for writing to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Community Development and Planning Department, and your Town Councilors.

(a) A special permit shall be required for all uses and for all exceptions to dimensional regulations which are designated in this Zoning Ordinance as requiring a special permit before the Inspector of Buildings may issue a building permit or occupancy permit.
(b) The Board of Appeals shall not approve any such application unless it finds that in its judgment all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The specific site is an appropriate location for such a use, structure or condition;
(2) The use as developed will not adversely affect the neighborhood;
(3) There will be no nuisance or serious hazard to vehicles or pedestrians;
(4) Adequate and appropriate facilities will be provided for the proper operation of the proposed use.

In addition, Page 66: the Design Guidelines for only the Pleasant Street Corridor District. However, it is relevant following the Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines public meetings at which values and goals of the community were expressed. We think of it as the wish list for all of Watertown and even these conditions might be improved.

(f) Design Guidelines:
(1) Purpose:
The Design Guidelines are intended to promote certain urban design principles and physical
building characteristics within the Pleasant Street Corridor District. The guidelines are intended to
aid in the review of proposals, but are not intended to discourage innovative architectural design
(2) Guidelines:
In general, proposals should seek to satisff the following:
(A) Be complementary to and provide for a harmonious transition in scale and character
between adjacent sites.
(B) Provide for high-density quality development consistent with the character of building
types, streetscapes, and other community features traditionally found in densely seftled
areas of the Town or in the region.
(C) Maintain streetscape continuity with a strong building presence along the primary street
(D) The size and detailing of buildings shall be pedestrian oriented and incorporate features to
add visual interest while reducing appearance of bulk or mass. Blank walls should be
(E) A distinct "sidewalk" presence with incorporation of elements such as planters, traditional
awnings, signage projecting from building fagade (blade signage), etc. to enhance the
pedestrian scale and interest of the street.
(F) Avoid prototypical, standardized brand identity-related architec.ture and signage for
businesses with multiple locations (i.e.: retail "chain" stores and restaurants.)
(g) Environmental Sustai nability Guidelines:

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